The One Step, One Ingredient Solution for a Greasy Scalp

I am not sure if it is the changing of the seasons but I was getting greasy hair so quickly lately! I tried a scalp scrub which worked well and I loved the volume that it gave me but after a few weeks even the scalp scrub and mask wasn’t working to get rid of my oily scalp.

Previously I had used apple cider vinegar to get rid of build up on my scalp but I hated just dumping it on my hair. The ACV scent really stuck to my hair and as a very scent-sensitive person I avoided it. But I needed something to help fast so I ordered this continuous spray bottle online and filled it with 50% water and 50% apple cider vinegar. I keep it in my shower and use it when my hair is feeling oily.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for the hair:

  • natural AHA to exfoliate the scalp & unclog hair follicles
  • anti-inflammatory properties for preventing or treating dandruff
  • full of vitamin B & C for stronger healthier hair
  • vitamins help to smooth the hair follicle

Mix a spray bottle with 50% ACV with 50% water in the spray bottle & keep in the shower!

I spray the apple cider vinegar directly on the root and scalp either in the shower or a few minutes before I shower to let it work its magic!